New from FaithAction: What works in prisons?

FaithAction’s latest report, What works in prisons? Contributions of the Faith and Voluntary Sector to Prisoners and their Families, was launched this week at an event in Parliament with the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Faith and Society and the APPG on Penal Affairs.
The report highlights the different kinds of support that faith-based organisations provide for prisoners, whether by supporting them with their individual faith, or with other practical and emotional needs. It illustrates the often innovative approaches they take – approaches which also offer considerable value for money. And it also considers the important work of the wider voluntary sector.
The report was produced by FaithAction for the APPG on Faith and Society, which is chaired by the Rt Hon Stephen Timms MP, and for which FaithAction is the secretariat.
The event in the House of Commons was chaired by Stephen Timms, and the speakers included the Rt Hon Dominic Grieve QC MP, Co-chair of the APPG on Penal Affairs; Andy Keen-Downs, Chief Executive of Pact (the Prison Advice and Care Trust); Hazel Alcraft, Development Officer for Health & Justice at Clinks, Paula Harriet, Head of Prisoner Engagement at the Prisons Reform Trust; and our own National Executive Director, Daniel Singleton.
Of particular note was Paula, whose personal experience of time in prison brought a unique and vital human perspective to the discussion. We’re happy to report that everyone present found the conversation to be both informative and useful, with Fiona Bruce MP keen to follow up and explore further actions to take.