
Our Training

Thank you very much for your excellent training and facilitation on fundraising recently. Your combination of practically useful and engagingly delivered knowledge has helped me get to grips with a subject that could seem a remote mystery before. […] The opportunity to hear some of your experiences was also great—especially how you overcame the challenges. I had previously found FaithAction just very interesting, but now it’s a real presence in my practice.

Very practical and useful examples that are transferable to my own work and projects. This has shown me a framework of how to plan step-by-step.

Gave some excellent examples of how planning and structure can help manage you to manage a previously daunting task.

The whole session has been immensely useful. I know now what we have been doing wrong in our previous applications.

Our Support

Being part of FaithAction is a fantastic link into the faith community across the country. It makes us part of something bigger and really unique. Our membership has given us opportunities to meet with leaders in the Department of Health, to be involved in All-Party Parliamentary Groups and to have links into government that we would otherwise not have. Most of all, they are always on hand if I need someone to talk to, offload to, or share successes with.

Kathy Coe, CEO, Pathway Project

Our Research

In the north east, as well as other locations, faith organisations have a huge contribution in response to public health. FaithAction’s research and practice focus is playing a key part in informing and initiating new responses in public health issues and concerns—this is appreciated by the faith groups based here, as well as those interested in faith and action.

Jim Roberston, Chair, North East Regional Faiths Network