Author Archives: Anthony McKernan

You won’t mistake this for ESOL
You know that thing about you remember 20% of stuff you are hear, 30% of what you see and 80% of what you do?[1] Well, learning English doesn’t have to involve teachers, textbooks or listening to language CDs. It can be very practical, and very […]

Why your project isn’t working
Community projects are great. They galvanise volunteers, they engage new residents and beneficiaries and sometimes they even attract funding! And that’s not all. They are locally rooted, they address practical needs and they are a good use of local community centres and places of worship. […]

The Power of Testimonials
I’ve just spent a happy hour reading the testimonials from the last cohort of Creative English participants. What an uplifting experience. To give you a flavour… Creative English is very good, because I can talk more confidently to others. And I’m confident to going shopping […]