Author Archives: Daniel Singleton
Don’t Pitchfork Tragedy
Recently I found myself in a radio studio recording a news commentary programme. There were a number of interesting things to discuss and to wrestle with regarding how the issues raised reflected on faith and what faith communities might want to do in response, or […]
Keeping Our Feet Dirty
As a teacher and practitioner at heart, there are times when I want to get away from policy, theory and strategy and get cracking on the ground. That’s why, in the FaithAction team, we are keen to get out and see members in their own […]
You like austerity!
“You like austerity!” This was the essence of a charge put to me recently. I was flabbergasted; then my accuser quoted one of my oft-used phrases: ‘faith is the first in and the last out’. I could see what was being said, but context is […]
The Mandela I Knew
“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies” — Nelson Mandela What a great thing to be able to say you met Mandela – I never had that opportunity, but have met people who have. My wife has an uncle […]
Impact: You’re better than you think you are!
For a significant part of December, I have been on Jury Service. If you have ever performed this civic duty, you will know that there is a lot of waiting around. It is a curious situation, to be stuck in a room with near to […]
The Philosphy of Rom Coms
I found myself watching a romantic comedy the other night. It’s one I have seen once or twice before. Although this can be a painful experience, as I knew what was going to happen, I started to see the contradictory ideas in the film. I […]
I’m not political, but…
When we were treated to the press conference in the garden at No. 10 in May 2010, I was lulled by the ‘together in national interest’ statements. There were various pundits talking about how Clegg and Cameron got on well and that it did not […]
Why ‘having your cake and eating it too’ is not a healthy option for the NHS
The government is in the process of launching a series of consultations and public engagement exercises regarding the healthcare system. I have been in a number of meetings where officials have pointed out that the timing of these programmes, during the summer, is at best […]
The Blame Starts Here
Every Friday, I usually receive a news magazine that I subscribe to; however, a few weeks ago, it did not arrive. For whatever reason, my news and commentary was lost, and as I was busy ferrying kids around, I was not caught up with the […]
Why I don’t agree with independent living
Before I am assailed by many of my colleagues from user-led and disability groups, let me come clean with what I mean by ‘independent living’. In this context, I am not thinking of the assistance which is given to those with physical disability to enable […]