Author Archives: Daniel Singleton

About Daniel Singleton

National Executive Director

Daniel Singleton has been the National Executive Director of FaithAction since 2007. This role has seen Daniel forge close working relationships across a number of national government departments, as well as local statutory and voluntary-sector bodies. As part of FaithAction’s mission to connect national and local government with grassroots organisations, Daniel also meets regularly with FaithAction member groups to help them develop in their social action.

Bravery on the Street of Woolwich

Yesterday, I was closeted away writing an article on the Coalition and faith, for the new website Public Spirit, when I started to be distracted by news reports of the fatal attack on a soldier in Woolwich. My heart sank as I realised how faith […]

The Wisdom of Taxi Drivers

When I’m visiting a different city and taking a taxi, I make it a habit to get the driver’s view on how things are there; to find out what the issues are and what is being done right and what is being done wrong. Recently, […]

Whatever are we coming to?

British institutions have received quite a bit of negative press recently. The institutions we look to uphold democracy and our way of life have been found wanting. Yet, our institutions are surely only a reflection of the nation as a whole, just as public figures […]

What really matters?

I must admit to getting a bit bored recently. Bored, that is, with last week’s focus on the topless picture of the Duchess of Cambridge and this week’s rolling story of MP Andrew Mitchell’s mouthing off at the police. Are we not in danger of […]

Are you happy yet?

The ONS published its Well-being survey this week, but there has been little fanfare about it. This is due the focus on the Olympics, which in itself, could contribute to a more positive feeling about life. I am no expert in these thing, but I […]

The Fonz did not free the slaves

I was recently doing some kids work with a group of fifteen 7- and 8-year-olds. The group leader decided to play an icebreaker game for my benefit, where each child would impersonate an animal through sound and action; a good opportunity for me to learn […]

Concerted Acts of Kindness

Council prayers, fanatical secularism and the PM making statements about the UK being a Christian country… faith is certainly in the news again. I am tempted to say for all the wrong reasons – I don’t mean that, as all these things are important and […]