Author Archives: Daniel Singleton

About Daniel Singleton

National Executive Director

Daniel Singleton has been the National Executive Director of FaithAction since 2007. This role has seen Daniel forge close working relationships across a number of national government departments, as well as local statutory and voluntary-sector bodies. As part of FaithAction’s mission to connect national and local government with grassroots organisations, Daniel also meets regularly with FaithAction member groups to help them develop in their social action.

SATs – When teachers don’t teach

Despite all the effort I gave as a student, at GCSE, A-level or degree, I was never an ‘A’ grade student like some of my friends. My effort was not going to be enough: I was restricted with the brain power I had. However, SATs are about the progress of students in a school. They help give the school a place on the league tables, not the students.

Bullying is not ‘just banter’

A couple of weeks ago, it was Anti-Bullying Week. Like mental health issues, which affect one in four of us, bullying affects many of us at some point of our lives. As parents, it is very hard to watch your child face this most cruel of ‘rites of passage’ – and thankfully we no longer accept bullying as an inevitable experience of childhood.

Belief Isn’t The Problem… Practice Is!

While at University, I was challenged by one of my lecturers, “What I can’t understand is why someone of obvious intellect can believe in this stuff?”. He was talking about my faith, and I have to admit he did not receive a suitable response, as I was somewhat chuffed about being called intellectual (it hadn’t happened before and it hasn’t happened since!)

Reacting with Hope

Never before can I remember a time when the question ‘What is the world coming to?’ seemed more appropriate than the last couple of weeks. Yesterday came the news of the killing of a Catholic priest in Normandy, the latest in a string of attacks. […]