Author Archives: Emily Yillah

Creative English celebrates a milestone anniversary!
This month marks 10 years since the first ever Creative English session, which took place in a Lifeline venue in Goodmayes, Essex. Charlie briefly interviewed our Lead Trainer and founder of the programme, Dr Anne Smith, about where it all started. Charlie: How did Creative […]
Inclusion Health: How does your organisation measure up and what can you do about it?
The concept of Inclusion Health is founded on the principle that not all people have access to the highest levels of healthcare. As a result, a number of socially excluded groups in the UK experience poor health outcomes across a range of indicators including self-reported […]
An alternative way to have a consultation from your GP – survey now open for your views
NHS England is seeking views from GPs, practice teams and members of the public on what people think about the idea of online consultations so it can improve the service and increase the availability and use. Online Consultations are a way for patients to contact […]
Men’s Voices National Survey
The purpose of this survey is to better understand men’s experiences, preferences, attitudes and needs for reproductive and sexual health healthcare. The survey covers topics such as contraception, reproductive health symptoms (like erectile dysfunction), fatherhood, fertility, sexual health, body image, sexual enjoyment and relationships. The […]
FUNDING: Culture Seeds grants
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Dying Matters Week
Dying Matters Week is an awareness campaign which aims to encourage people to talk about dying, death and bereavement. The week will run from 14 – 20 May 2018 and the topic this year is “What Can You Do… in your community?” Each weekday during […]
Register to become a stakeholder in one of NHS England’s clinical reference groups
Clinical Reference Groups (CRGs) are an integral part of bringing together groups of clinicians, commissioners, public health experts, patients and carers. They use their specific knowledge and expertise to advise NHS England on the best ways that specialised services should be provided. You can find […]
Be part of improving health literacy
Health literacy is defined as “the personal characteristics and social resources needed for individuals and communities to access, understand, appraise and use information and services to make decisions about health”. Research published in 2015 indicates that 43% of English working age adults do not understand […]
Consultation: Extending the right to a personal health budget
The Government is currently consulting on extending the right to have a personal health budget, or an integrated personal budget, to specific groups of people. It would like to hear whether individuals would welcome the opportunity to incorporate additional funding streams into integrated personal budgets. […]
FUNDING: Comic Relief Fund: Tackling Violence against Women and Girls
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