Author Archives: Emily Yillah
FUNDING: Cultural Commissioning: Reading Borough Council
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Opportunity to become a Patient and Public Voice Partner for the GP Patient Survey
The GP Patient Survey is an England-wide annual postal survey which asks people about their experiences of local general practice services. It is sent to over 2 million patients. NHS England is looking for another Patient and Public Voice (PPV) Partner to sit on the steering group […]
Consultation: Reviewing the Dementia 2020 Challenge
The Department of Health and Social Care is carrying out a review of progress in delivering the Dementia 2020 Challenge. The Department would like to hear views on what has been achieved so far and assess whether the Challenge commitments are expected to be fulfilled by […]
Talk to us! FaithAction’s response to the Civil Society consultation
From supporting the most vulnerable and disadvantaged people in society to the work of charities and community groups helping good causes, civil society (that is, the parts of society that are not the government or businesses) is part of the fabric of our society. The […]
Featured member: Iraqi Welfare Association
This week we had the pleasure of speaking to Fatemah Al-Ansare, the Events and Publicity Manager for the Iraqi Welfare Association, a community hub in Wembley. The IWA has a large focus on welfare – running our own Creative English programme plus fitness groups and […]

Faith and police join forces – #FaithAndPoliceTogether
Here at FaithAction, we’re really please to see the launch of a new initiative between the Police and faith communities. Our own Rodie and Heather attended the launch at Parliament on Monday, which was hosted by Holly Lynch MP. #FaithAndPoliceTogether is a collaboration between a […]
Call for evidence: involving people over 50 in volunteering
The Centre for Ageing Better is looking for examples of inspiring practice to support people aged 50 and over – including in particular those from currently under-represented groups – to get involved in volunteering and community activity. The call for practice is part of the Centre’s Review of […]
Young and Homeless
Homeless Link, our partner in the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance, has published its latest Young and Homeless report, funded by Land Aid and Comic Relief. The top three support needs of the young people that participated in the research were: not being in education employment […]
Your chance to shape community mental health services
If you work with people who use community mental health services, NHS England would like your help in hearing from them. It is inviting FaithAction members (through the Health and Wellbeing Alliance) to ask their service users to feed into the development of national policy […]
NHS 70th birthday – update on celebrations
FaithAction’s Faith & Health Award is our way of marking the 70th birthday of the NHS. Entries are currently being judged – watch this space! Meanwhile the NHS has plenty of celebrations planned – here are some examples. NHS Big 7Tea launched There are more […]