Author Archives: FaithAction

Maternity Consortium Report Launch – March 13th – Interpreting provision as an essential part of Maternity and Neonatal Care.

The Maternity Consortium, fellow member of the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance, is delighted to invite you to their upcoming event, to introduce their insight report on interpreting provision as an essential component of safe Maternity and Neonatal Care. Webinar details: Date: Thursday 13th March Time: […]

New Carers Partnership resource: Identifying and supporting unpaid carers in England to improve integrated system working

Following their launch event, the Carers Partnership, fellow members of the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance, are pleased to share that their new resource, Identifying and supporting unpaid carers in England to improve integrated system working is now available for professionals to access and use. The resource […]

National Health Literacy Webinar

The webinar, funded by NHS England’s Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Programme, is co-delivered by the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care System Health Literacy team and Health Innovation North East North Cumbria. What is Health Literacy? Health literacy is about making health information easier to […]