Author Archives: FaithAction
New online health resources hub for people experiencing homelessness
Groundswell, part of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, have launched their online Resources Hub. Here you can find leaflets, posters, workbooks, podcasts & short films on a range of physical and mental health issues aimed at people experiencing homelessness and those working to support […]
Research: LGBTQ+ people with lived experience of suicidal feelings
Members of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance are working on research around LGBTQ+ people with lived experience of suicidal feelings. The Suicide Prevention Consortium is currently recruiting for their latest research, LGBTQ+ people, alcohol and suicide, that aims to improve support for LGBTQ+ people […]
Race Equality Foundation: How can we improve the recording of ethnicity in health settings?
Race Equality Foundation are holding a webinar on Tuesday 31st January at 10am to discuss how can we improve the recording of ethnicity in health settings. Incomplete or inaccurate recording of ethnicity will undermine attempts to address health inequalities and improve access, experience and outcomes […]
Hewitt Review – Call for Evidence
The Hewitt review will consider how the oversight and governance of integrated care systems (ICSs) can best enable them to succeed, balancing greater autonomy and robust accountability with a particular focus on real time data shared digitally with the Department of Health and Social Care […]
Sharing learning from the Starting Well Fund & Barnardo’s Consortium
The Barnardo’s Consortium, part of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, are holding a free webinar on Tuesday 10th January, 2-4pm sharing learning from the Starting Well Fund and work to support children and families and reduce health inequalities. The Starting Well Fund, run by […]
NALW #LinkWorkerDay23 Awards
National Association of Link Workers are holding the #LinkWorkerDay23 Awards on 27th April 2023 to celebrate Social Prescribing Link Workers’ impact and recognise all those who have made outstanding contributions in Transforming Healthcare for All through social prescribing. This year there is a new category […]

Season’s Greetings from FaithAction!
Despite the challenges of the recent times and the struggles that many will continue to face this winter, we have continued to be amazed by the work of faith groups and faith-based organisations, serving the most vulnerable and delivering vital services to people and communities […]
FUNDING: Ironmongers Company: Ironmongers Company Grant
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Association of Medical Research Charities: Supporting medical research charities
The Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) is a membership organisation dedicated to supporting medical research charities in saving and improving lives through research and innovation. They ensure our member charities fund the best research by developing guides, providing training, and carrying out an audit […]
NHS England GP Patient Survey 2023
In early January, around 2.4 million randomly selected people registered with GP practices will be invited to answer a GP Patient Survey questionnaire about their experiences. The findings help to show what’s working and what needs to improve, and they help to identify inequalities in experience too, […]