Author Archives: FaithAction
NHS England #StartWithPeople online event
#StartWithPeople is the premier event for people involving in public engagement in the health sector within the UK; bringing together world-renowned experts in this space and senior NHS leaders with practitioners who are delivering this agenda in the heart of their communities. This virtual conference […]
Linking Lives UK: Exciting opportunity as Chair of Trustees
Linking Lives UK is looking for a chair of trustees to join their existing board members as they plan for the future. They are particularly looking for someone with the following experience, skills and passion: Engagement and experience within the Christian faith sector across the […]
NHS England research: Adults living with diabetes
NHS England is carrying out research to understand more about the experiences of adults living with diabetes. The findings will inform how services are delivered and help the NHS support people to manage their condition in the future They would like to speak to those […]
NHS England: ICS Research Engagement & Network Development Webinar
NHS England’s Innovation, Research and Life Sciences team are launching a programme to support Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) to increase diversity in research participation through the development of new or existing research networks and activity. ICSs will need to do this in partnership with their […]
The NHS England #StartWithPeople online event is back!
This virtual conference is free to register and open to anyone working in health and care with an interest in participation and engagement with people and communities. It takes place from 10am-4pm on Thursday 24th November 2022. #StartWithPeople is the premier event for people involving […]
FUNDING: Near Neighbours: Near Neighbours Small Grants Fund
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FUNDING: Thomas Wall Trust: Employment Opportunities for Disadvantaged Adults
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FUNDING: The Mortgage Advice Bureau Foundation
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New members wanted for the NHS England Learning Disability and Autism Advisory Group
The Learning Disability and Autism Engagement team are looking for autistic people, people with a learning disability and family carers to join their advisory group. They want members who can share their experiences of different health services to improve the health system. They would like […]
FUNDING: BBC Children in Need: Emergency Essentials programme
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