Author Archives: FaithAction
FUNDING: Asda Foundation: Cost of Living Grants
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FUNDING: The Childs Charitable Trust
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FUNDING: The KFC Foundation: Community Grants Programme
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Security Advice for Everyone (SAFE) Webinars
Security Advice for Everyone (SAFE) are running a number webinars in the near future, including a session on women’s safety with MPOAC and Faiths Forum for London. For a full schedule and registration, please see below: 14th September at 2pm, Conflict Management (Effective communication in […]
New report on tackling suicide inequalities in Gypsy and Traveller communities
Friends, Families and Travellers (FFT), members of the VSCE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, have released a new report on tackling suicide inequalities in Gypsy and Traveller communities, produced in collaboration with the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID). The report aims to provide guidance […]
NHS Leadership Academy: Foundations in System Leadership Programme
The NHS Leadership Academy are running a Foundations in System Leadership Programme. The programme will support you as you explore acquire the skills and behaviours needed to work collectively to plan and deliver health and care services to meet local needs and reduce health inequalities. […]
VSCE Health & Wellbeing Alliance webinar to inform DHSC Social Care White Paper Knowledge and Skills Framework
The VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance are holding a webinar in partnership with Department of Health and Social Care to inform DHSC Social Care White Paper Knowledge and Skills Framework. The Adult Social Care Reform White Paper (published in December 2021) sets out the Department […]
British Red Cross: New Health & Wellbeing Alliance Reports
British Red Cross have published two new reports as part of their work within the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance. The first is about barriers to accessing mental health services for people seeking asylum and refugees (supported by the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Team […]
Healthwatch England Survey: GP referral waiting times
Healthwatch England want to better understand people’s experiences getting a referral from a GP. They know many people find it hard to get a GP referral to another NHS service. This survey considers referrals beyond ‘elective care’ and includes cancer, mental health and community care […]
Report Launch: Tackling Suicide Inequalities in Gypsy and Traveller communities
Friends Families and Travellers, part of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, are holding an online event to launch their new report: Tackling Suicide Inequalities in Gypsy and Traveller communities The event will be hosted by the APPG for Gypsies, Travellers and Roma, and will […]