Author Archives: FaithAction
Friends Families & Travellers: Survey on Maternity Care
Fellow members of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, Friends, Families and Travellers have been given some local and national funding to build a better understanding of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller womens’ experiences of maternal healthcare. They want to hear your experiences – good and […]
FUNDING: Faith and Belief Forum: The London Faith & Belief Community Awards
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FUNDING: The Charity Service: Organisations Supporting Disadvantaged Communities
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FUNDING: Power to Change: Powering Up Programme
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FaithAction to Continue to Support New Arrivals from Hong Kong
Last week, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities announced which VCSE organisations would be funded as part of Year 2 of the Hong Kong British National (Overseas) Welcome Programme VCSE Regional Grant Scheme. The FaithAction team were delighted to hear that we were […]
Healthwatch: Maternity services in North East London
Local Healthwatch engage with local people on their experience with health and social care services. They represent the voice of local people in the health and social care debate, and work with relevant stakeholders in health and social care to improve services for people like […]
Samaritans respond to Government consultation on new suicide prevention plan for England
Samaritans has submitted evidence to the Government’s consultation on a new suicide prevention plan for England. Samaritans leads the Suicide Prevention Consortium, part of the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance. The plan, which was consulted on at the same time as a proposed 10-year Mental Health […]
Thank You Day 2022
Thank You Day 2022 took place on Sunday 5th June and the Thank You Day team have shared the ‘Thank You Day’ Impact Report, and Round-Up Video. Here are some stats from the day: 7 million people took part in a Thank You Day event, […]
NVCO research: Time Well Spent: Impact of Covid-19 On the Volunteer Experience
Volunteers are at risk of burnout due to the pressures of the pandemic, according to a report from the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO), published this week. Time Well Spent: Impact of Covid-19 On the Volunteer Experience found that health was a major barrier to volunteering during […]
Challenge Poverty Week Toolkit
Challenge Poverty Week England and Wales takes place from 17th October, aiming to speak out against systems that cause poverty in these areas, and to set out potential solutions. Church Action on Poverty have launched at toolkit to support organisations taking part in the week. […]