Author Archives: FaithAction
FUNDING: The Fore: ‘Charity-led’ funding
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FUNDING: The Baring Foundation: Global Majority-led Arts Organisations to Develop Creative Work with People with Mental Health Problems
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Association of Mental Health Providers: Lived Experience Advisory Group
The Association of Mental Health Providers, part of the VCSE Health & Wellbeing Alliance, are looking for people to join their Lived Experience Advisory Group. They would like people with living/learnt experience of poor mental health and illness, including SMI, or an unpaid carer, who […]
The Lowdown on the COVID-19 vaccine, periods and fertility
The Lowdown and NHS England have produced a guide and held a webinar on the COVID-19 vaccine and fertility. The Lowdown teamed up with NHS colleagues to host an online chat with Reproductive Immunologist Dr Viki Male, and Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Dr Fatima Husain, to discuss the […]
Green Social Prescribing Conference: How to Embed and Scale Green Social Prescribing
The cross government Green Social Prescribing Programme team are hosting the ‘Green Social Prescribing Conference: How to Embed and Scale Green Social Prescribing’. It has been one year since the launch of the green social prescribing programme to prevent and tackle mental ill-health and they […]
NHS England research project: Long-COVID Lived Experience Partners
The NHS England and NHS Improvement Insight and Feedback Team are recruiting three Lived Experience Partners to bring a patient experience perspective to their Long-COVID Patient Experience Research Working Group. The Insight and Feedback team have commissioned a research project, aimed at understanding the experiences […]
NHS England Health and Care Social Plan Workshop
The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care recently announced the publication of a Digital Health and Care Plan in spring 2022. The publication will set out a delivery plan for the things already committed to within the NHS Long Term Plan, as well […]
Centre for Ageing Better: Ageing, inequality and ethnicity – evidence cards
The Centre for Ageing Better have produced a set of downloadable ‘evidence cards’ that highlights the contributions of and shocking inequalities experienced by Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups approaching retirement age. Older generations are becoming more diverse than ever. But also more unequal. There’s […]
FUNDING: The Arnold Clark Community Fund
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FUNDING: The Pink Ribbon Foundation Grants
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