Author Archives: FaithAction
Resources: Conversations on COVID-19 vaccines with people with experience of homelessness
Healthy London Partnership and Expert Focus have launched a video project sharing views and discussions on COVID-19 vaccines with experts by experience of homelessness. The videos and learnings are a useful tool to support partners, including frontline staff in homelessness setting and local vaccine delivery […]
Call for Evidence: Department of Health and Social Care 10 Year Cancer Plan
One in every two people in this country will be told they have cancer at some point in their lives. The NHS Long Term Plan, published in 2019, set an ambition to save thousands more lives each year by dramatically improving how cancer is diagnosed […]
FUNDING: Ormiston Trust: WeWill Social Action Grant Fund
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FUNDING: East End Community Foundation: Tower Hamlets Grants
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FUNDING: The Leathersellers’ Company: Small Grants Programme
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The NHS Under 16 Cancer Patient Experience Survey
The NHS wants to find out what is good about the cancer and tumour care being given to children, and what could be better. The Under 16 Cancer Patient Experience Survey asks questions about NHS cancer or tumour care in England. The survey is sent […]
COVID-19 Vaccination during Ramadan: Resources
Public Health England and the NHS have produced resources on supporting COVID-19 vaccination uptake during Ramadan. A series of posters with information on vaccinations during Ramandan can be downloaded below: Poster 1 Poster 2 Poster 3 They have also produced a set of social media […]
Muslim Council of Britain: Welcoming Ramadan 2022 Guide
The Muslim Council of Britain have launched their guide, Welcoming Ramadan 2022. The guide offers key information on what the holy month means for Muslims and how it is observed, whilst also providing practical guidance for employers on how they can support Muslim colleagues during […]
FUNDING: Matrix Chambers: Matrix Causes Fund
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FUNDING: Always Look on the Bright Side of Life Charitable Trust
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