Author Archives: FaithAction
Government White Paper: Joining up care for people, places and populations
The government published a white paper yesterday on joining up care for people, places and populations. The paper is part of a wider set of mutually reinforcing reforms: the Adult Social Care Reform white paper, People at the Heart of Care and the Health and […]
Government Review: Tackling Health Disparities
The government has announced leads for two separate independent reviews to tackle health disparities. Findings from these reviews will form part of wider plans to level up the country and reduce existing inequalities through the Health Disparities White Paper which will aim to enable people […]
FUNDING: The Rank Foundation: Pebble Grants
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FUNDING: The Ford Britain Trust
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Asthma UK and British Lung Foundation: Long COVID Toolkit
Asthma UK and British Lung Foundation have worked with 15 other Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations to create a new tool designed to support those with Long COVID. You can find it here. My Long COVID Needs is designed to help people feel […]
FUNDING: NHS England and NHS Improvement: Carer-focussed Rapid-learning Pandemic Legacy Projects
The Commitment to Carers Programme is looking for bids from VCSE organisatations on the theme of capturing learning and best practices around supporting unpaid carers/family members during the COVID pandemic response. They wish to capture any innovative approaches developed within communities and they wish to […]
Race Equality Foundation launches survey into dementia reablement services for BAME people
Race Equality Foundation is currently conducting a study on reablement services for people living with dementia from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds funded by the Health and Wellbeing Alliance. The purpose of this research is to better understand whether reablement services are accessible and […]
Carers Trust Launch Young Carers Action Day Survey
Carers Trust is conducting a survey on the pressures and challenges facing young carers and young adult carers right across the UK. The survey ends on 31st January 2022 when the data will be collected for analysis so it is ready for release to coincide […]
Join the conversation about iDecide Communications material for labour interventions
As part of the national Maternity Transformation Programme, which is working towards the implementation of Better Births, for safer, more personalised and equitable care, NHS England and NHS Improvement are launching iDecide, a a tool to support informed decision-making and consent during childbirth. To help […]
Locality and Power to Change: Community of Practice
Locality, in partnership with Power to Change, is part of the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance As part of their work within the Alliance, they are learning how VCSE organisations can work better with their local Primary Care Networks (PCNs). They are establishing a Community […]