Author Archives: Felicity Smith

What I’ve learnt…
So the news is out – I leave FaithAction next week after years of working with the network and supporting those most in need. As I start to get sentimental about what I’ve learned, I thought I would write it down to serve as a […]

On 20th December, NHS England launched a consultation on guidance for Clinical Commissioning Groups as to which over-the-counter items should not routinely be prescribed in primary care… catchy I know! The consultation, however dull the title, is really important and it’s therefore important that you […]

‘Volunteer? But… what does she get out of it?’
I was recently getting my hair cut, and my hairdresser (who shall remain nameless) was chatting about being involved in the Parent and Teacher Association (PTA) at her son’s new school. Her question when talking about the woman who runs the PTA was ‘what does […]

Up for the taking… a vote!
I’m a registered voter, always vote and take pride in having my say at the polling booth! More recently I’ve taken joy in taking my son to tell him the importance and explain why we do it. However, I’m sick of politicians. I’m sick of […]

Domestic Abuse & Employer Responsibility
This article was first posted on the Corporate Alliance Against Domestic Violence website. Felicity acts as an ambassador for CAADV. Over the last few days I’ve seen quite a bit of coverage about Domestic Abuse… Whether it’s this image which was on the Huffington Post, […]

What a difference a faith makes….
Today, NPC launched ‘What a difference a faith makes – insights on faith-based charities’—a pretty timely report that works to highlight the work of faith-based organisations. I’m often asked what I do for a living—and when I explain I work for FaithAction, I usually get […]

16 days of action and faith
It is currently the 16 Days of Action, a period of time between 25th November and 10th December where there is an increased focus on domestic abuse and the affects it has. I’m a firm believer that it takes all of us to not only […]

Trump… Triumphs…
I’ve blogged before about the States and my love for that country, and anyone who knows me knows that I completely love The West Wing – however I cannot seem to understand what’s happening in America today. By the way – all the views expressed […]

NHS Health and Care Innovation Expo
Last week, the FaithAction team led the charge of the voluntary sector descending on the NHS Health and Care Innovation Expo, a yearly event taking place in Manchester which brings together different parts of the health and care sector to talk about innovation. This year’s Health […]

If you follow me on Twitter, you will see a few retweets about Kate Granger, a woman who is terminally ill with cancer – but this isn’t what is going to define her. Kate is behind the #hellomynameis campaign, which has completely redefined what ‘care’ […]