Author Archives: Felicity Smith

But I’m not a real employer, right?
Faith groups do some fantastic work… reaching and accessing communities that are most in need and providing services that others simply can’t! That’s one of the reasons I work for FaithAction – to help groups that help transform the communities around them and make them […]

Nice… Felicity’s response
Last night before I went to bed I started to see the news come up on my twitter feed about Nice… I hoped it was a bad dream… This morning when I woke up and once again checked twitter, I saw that my bad dream […]

Eight years… Wow, that went fast!
So last week, I celebrated my work anniversary at FaithAction – I’ve been the national co-ordinator now for eight years! It really doesn’t feel that long though, and I had to do the maths to work out that it’s actually true.

Out of all the bitterness… comes something good (I hope)!
I live in East London, and therefore was subjected to the London Mayoral Election battle recently – which quite frankly was awful. No matter where you looked, politicians were trying to win our votes with campaign slogans, dragging each other through the dirt, and promising things they simply couldn’t afford.

Why You Need to be at the NHS Expo
The NHS Expo takes over Manchester Central once a year and is the opportunity to hear updates on what NHS England is up to, with a focus on the biggest health and care issues and developments, as they continue to implement the NHS Five Year Forward View.

Faith: How big a difference are we making?
New information from the think tank New Philanthropy Capital has managed to quantify the size of the faith-based charity sector – finding that 27%, or over a quarter, of all charities in Great Britain are faith-based.

There’s a shiver going down my spine today and it’s not because of the coldness in the office… It’s about Brussels. Seeing pictures of blast sites is becoming a common thing… It’s something that we see on our Twitter timelines, on the news and in […]

When did the NHS stop needing our support?
This morning, as I was driving along, I stopped to let a nurse cross the road. She was in her uniform, holding her purse and was obviously dashing from the health service building on one side of the road to the shop on the other […]

David Cameron and Community Cohesion
Over the past two years, FaithAction has been running our Creative English programme with the aim of building confidence and community cohesion. We’ve seen 2400 people through the course and some fantastic results, such as 81% went on to speak to their neighbours in English. […]

The Free and the Brave
Donald Trump has hit the headlines again this week. This time, it’s not about Mexicans… it’s about the Muslim community in America. Let me get something straight before I begin: I love the USA. I have some dear friends there, got engaged in the States, […]