Author Archives: Felicity Smith

If you see something wrong, fix it.

I’m not alone in the group of people who are solution focused. Actually, I work with quite a few of those people here at FaithAction. However, I experienced something recently, got involved and I’m now working on the solution. This isn’t just in FaithAction – […]

This cannot go on….

On Friday, I was talking to one of our members who works with Domestic Abuse victims… it has been a series of discussions I’ve been having with her over the past while regarding the amount of funding they have had cut from their vital services. […]

Why Widows and Orphans…?

This week, I found myself using a phrase that Daniel Singleton often uses… and it has never hit me so hard about what it means. Daniel Singleton often says that faith communities are there to help the widow and the orphan – those that are […]

Everything’s changing…

You may have noticed that over the past few months that there have been a number of changes to FaithAction!  Well, this is your one stop guide to what’s changed! New staff… For many years, FaithAction was only a small team.  Well, now we have […]

Why do I do what I do?

Last night, my husband and I had a few friends over for dinner.  He works in the banking industry and she is a teaching assistant.  After dinner, we got chatting about work and how it’s going and I shared a little bit of what FaithAction […]