Author Archives: Felicity Smith

Urgh! Another survey…

In the past 7 months, I have encountered hospital services twice. Each time, I have been given a survey to complete.  One was after the birth of my son – definitely not a time when you want another piece of paper flung at you – […]

Hot Hot Hot!

It’s getting hot hot hot!  Everyone is talking about the weather at the moment… the news, friends, colleagues… and me!  I called my 84-year-old Grandma yesterday to check that she was doing okay in the heat and that she was getting enough liquid and shade; […]

On Networking

There is one thing we all have to do – and I suspect on certain days, we all hate it – and that’s networking. At FaithAction, we frequently go to events, meet members, and go to conferences, and there is often the time to ‘network’ […]

Volunteers and The Games

It’s been great to see how the volunteers at the Games have hit the headlines.  As someone who experienced the Olympic park first hand, I can testify that they were amazing in creating an atmosphere and ensuring that everyone had a good time. The Games […]

The Race Equality Foundation: After the Riots

On January 21st 2012, in London, the Race Equality Foundation held their After the Riots conference, discussing the riots of August 2011 and their implications for race equality. More information on the conference can be found here. This week, the Race Equality Foundation announced the […]

Local Healthwatch – Why get involved?

What is it and what should I do? Healthwatch is one of the new structures being put into place in April 2013 in the Health and Social Care Landscape. Local Healthwatch organisations will be designed to be the local consumer champion, to strengthen the voice […]

Who Do You Want to Meet?

Often when I’m talking to members, either at an event or during one of our advice sessions, I ask them a question: “Who do you want to meet?” Often members want to meet someone famous. One of our volunteers recently exclaimed she wanted to meet […]

Health and Social Care Reform

Health and Social Care Reform Since the coalition government came into power in May 2010, the Department of Health has been churning out different consultations and white papers to help meet the Secretary of State for Health’s 5 main priorities.  These are: That patients are […]

Membership – how and why?

To become a member of FaithAction is currently free.  If you become a member you can expect: Weekly e-news straight to your inbox with news, funding and event information Discount on event fees Invitations to events To join with other FaithAction members on bids (previous […]