Author Archives: Manisha Modhvadia

Integrated Care Systems, what’s the plan?
When it was published in 2019, the NHS Long Term Plan set the pathway for a transformation in the way that health and social care is delivered. As part of the changes, NHS England and NHS Improvement committed to the roll out of Integrated Care […]

As we continue to deliver our local Healthwatch service, have you spoken with yours?
All over the country, local Healthwatch services provide a strong voice for all age groups in the community including children, young people and families within a national Healthwatch framework. FaithAction has delivered the Healthwatch service in Barking and Dagenham for the last 5 years. We […]

Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham Wins Prestigious National Award
As one of FaithAction’s local projects, Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham works within FaithAction’s home borough as a health and social care champion, feeding local voices through to local NHS leaders and other decision makers. The team are very proud to have won an award at […]

Share your story with local Healthwatch
We have all accessed health or social care services at some point in our lives. Some of us have received good care, and others, not so good. What do you do when you receive an excellent service? What do you do when you receive care […]

Assessing Primary Care During the Pandemic and Beyond
Manisha Modhvadia is an officer with Healthwatch Barking and Dagenham, part of a national network of local Healthwatches, who act as champions for people using local health and care services. We have all had to adapt the way we work and deliver services for the […]