Author Archives: Martin Smith

Nine tips for taking a better photo
Everybody uses photos, whether for a report, website, or other marketing materials. Photos are a great way to capture a moment, summarise a message, or make your mark as a organisation. As an ex-professional photographer, it bothers me to see the same mistakes being made […]

The Difference Creative English Can Make
There is one thing that strikes me most when I visit the Creative English hubs. It doesn’t matter whether the hub is in Bradford or Bristol or Luton or Lancashire – the thing is just how much fun the learners have. The learners and the […]

Bad News for Men!
Last week I attended the House of Lords for the Launch of the Men’s Health Manifesto, published by the Men’s Health Forum. Generally, its bad news for men: 20% of men never reach retirement age. That’s 1 in 5. Look at your friends. Lifestyle, drinking […]