Why Faith?

Because Faith reaches the parts that no-one else can…

Faith based organisations are prominent fixtures in many communities around the UK.  Faith based organisations access those who statutory organisations or the private sector struggle to access – those termed as ‘hard to engage’ or ‘hard to reach’.

Nature of Faith based organisations

Faith based organisations can do this work because they are the groups integrated into community.  They often have little resource and a large volunteer base to enable them to move and engage with communities in different ways.  They also provide holistic care – care and services for the whole person and often their family, not just the need they are presented with.

Faith based organisations also have a clear passion and drive from their religious belief as well as a clear vision of where they want to influence their community.

Why FaithAction?

FaithAction is a national network of Faith based organisations but also community organisations who are doing anything ranging from social action to public service delivery.

FaithAction was set up in 2006 as the founding partners found that a number of organisations were coming to see what they were doing to so that they can learn from them.  FaithAction started as there was a need for organisations to have support, but also to have their voice heard from central and local government.

FaithAction works to bring that voice.  We are often around the table with those who are influential in certain areas and we always want to know what our members are thinking so that we can speak for them.