Who Do You Want to Meet?

Often when I’m talking to members, either at an event or during one of our advice sessions, I ask them a question: “Who do you want to meet?”

Often members want to meet someone famous. One of our volunteers recently exclaimed she wanted to meet AinsleyHarriot, but that wasn’t to discuss FaithAction’s work!  Others want to meet somebody well-known because they could potentially be an ambassador for their organisationor because they could influence an area of work they are involved with.

Members might want to meet their local MP, as they’re feeling overlooked by their local constituency; or because they want to raise awareness of their work or thrash out ideas with policy makers or even meet a particular minister who could  champion their work.

Whoever our members want to meet – it’s often because they believe these people can make a difference to a problem which is prevalent in their local community or even nationally.

At FaithAction, we often think, “What we would say if we were in front of the Queen?”  In reality, if we were, we would talk to her about all the amazing work that your organisationsdo; often working with the hardest communities to reach and bringing real solutions to their problems.

We want to know who you would like to meet and what would you say to them?  Get in touch with your answer – you never know – we might be able to help!