The Race Equality Foundation: After the Riots

On January 21st 2012, in London, the Race Equality Foundation held their After the Riots conference, discussing the riots of August 2011 and their implications for race equality. More information on the conference can be found here.
This week, the Race Equality Foundation announced the third in their After the Riots video series, produced as part of the Communities Against Violence project. The video reflects on the importance of the death of Mark Duggan in triggering the riots last year, and can be found here.
The previously released videos, History of Rioting, and Racism and Role Models, can also be found on the Race Equality Foundation website. Further videos in the series will be released in the coming weeks.
Those wishing to leave feedback can do so via the REF’s Youtube channel, or via twitter @racefound using the hashtag #aftertheriots.