Small things can have a huge impact…

This weekend I was stunned when my nan, at the good age of 92, presented me and my sister with a copy each of the Great British Bake Off book as a thank you.  Now, we hadn’t done anything amazing and we certainly felt it was undeserved! All we had done was to teach her how to text.

My parents, who normally keep an eye out for my nan, have been on holiday and, during that time, my sister and I both had visited my nan; but, we also taught her how to text, so she could keep in touch with my parents. This wasn’t a simple task, as she will be the first to admit. It’s a completely new skill and something that she’s never done before.

For us, it wasn’t a big deal. She is our nan and, for me, her being able to text is excellent, as often the times I can ring are unsuitable for her. However, for her, it was a lifeline to those she can’t reach normally and was a skill she can use to feel connected. It made me think about how the small things we do can have a huge impact.

So, what can you do that’s small and has a big impact? How about reminding someone to put on their heating? Helping someone with their pram, or ensuring that someone has someone to talk to? These small things can make a huge difference… although, I’m not promising you’ll get a cook book out of it!