What’s Going On…?

You may have noticed that FaithAction has been on a bit of a journey recently and we have grown!

For years, FaithAction was quite a small operation with only a few staff…well, owing to our two new programmes – Together in Service and Creative English – along with the continued success of our Health and Social Care Voluntary Sector Strategic Partnership involvement, we have added a further ten staff to our team.

Some of these staff haven’t started with us yet, but the whole process of recruiting more people along with having further reach and running our programmes makes me truly excited about how FaithAction has come.

So, this is what FaithAction is currently doing and how you can get involved:

Together in Service

Our grants programme that encourages and supports multi-faith-based social action. Grants are available for £2,000 and you can find out more via the Together in Service site..  Felicity oversees the programme, with Virginia and Chris offering support.  We are desperate to hear your examples of your activity – and how you do what you do.  Get in contact with us here: [email protected]

Creative English

Our new programme where we train Hubs to deliver this innovative new course.  The course looks to teach English in a creative way, focused more on drama and role-play.  We will be looking at how to make this course accessible to others outside of our delivery areas in the coming days, but if you want to know more now, get in touch by e-mailing [email protected]

Health and Social Care Voluntary Sector Strategic Partnership Programme

We are currently in the final stages of submitting our work plans, but we have a particular focus on Domestic Abuse, Homeless services, Faith and Public Health, and Regional Impact. If you are interested in contributing in any of these areas, get in touch by e-mailing [email protected]

As well as all that, our Faith Organisation’s Advice and Guidance sessions continue. If you want to meet with the team for a 1-2-1 about a particular issue or if you want something from FaithAction, get in touch with me at [email protected]

We are your network, so get in touch.