Diary of a Creative English Tutor: Day One


Toilets 0 : 2 Volunteers

And it’s a win at Loxford Children’s Centre, Ilford!

Day One

Lego Wonder Woman (or is it really Sue?)

Arrived in South Ilford in good time to set up. No toilets – disaster! Then discovered that timings, dates, rooms, and staffing had all changed…

But hey, I’m a seasoned trainer – I can handle this!
(They don’t call me Wonder Woman for nothing!)

And – blow me down – if it doesn’t all swing around in my favour!

The amazing staff at the Children’s Centre had provided a wonderful lady to support my teaching, AKA Zarqa. She’s dead keen to get cracking, and we clicked straight away – both went to the same secondary school (albeit with a few years in-between) and we even had the same Latin teacher!

My other wonderful volunteer, Gwyn, is game for anything; starting with blowing up balloons, operating the laptop, working out how to handle the toilet issue…

Our first six fantastic students arrived, and we had great fun acting out the first of the characters in our Street, which we are calling Green Street, after the famous street in Forest Gate, a few miles away.  Elicited some highly relevant phrasal verbs just through the improvisation!

Students left having enjoyed themselves, asking if they could bring their friends…
What more could you ask?