Creative English Innovation Fund FAQs

Thank you for your interest in the Creative English Innovation Fund.  You still have just over two weeks to apply for the fund, but in order to help you with your application we have put together a list of the frequently asked questions:

I am not in one of the target areas, can I still apply?

The target areas and beneficiary groups have been outlined to us by DCLG and we have therefore had to reflect this in our scoring for the projects.  You are still eligible to apply, but you will miss out on a few marks – this should not affect your chances of being successful.  If your project engages learners from the target area, but you are not based in or intend to deliver in that area, that is also fine.

We have a lot of clients in need of ESOL classes and we would like to apply for the fund, is ….. in line with what you are looking for?

If you are proposing a formal ESOL class, this is not likely to be successful.  The CE Innovation fund is seeking projects that increase confidence and motivation in speaking English through different means, for example cooking, sewing, shopping etc.  There are examples of the types of projects we are seeking to fund on the Innovation page once you have registered your interest for the fund.  Projects must also show financial sustainability in order for it to continue running beyond the funded period and should also raise the profile of Creative English in the media and wider communities.  You can learn more about the Creative English programme here

What do you mean by financial sustainability?

There are many ways that you can identify sustainability in a project, if your project is producing something such as crafts or cakes, you can sell this in order to contribute to the future running costs.  You can use the money to set up a social enterprise and seek further funding from investors, businesses or funding bodies.  There must be an element of financial sustainability in your proposal.

How can we raise the profile of Creative English through our project?

You can plan to have at least one event, such as a launch event, which you can invite the local communities to and the media.  You can write to a local newspaper or radio station and ask them to advertise the projects or come and do an interview.  You may know of a local champion who would be interested in your project and ask them to sponsor it or attend an event to talk about the project.

Do I need to be a registered charity?

We can only accept applications from formally constituted organisations.  The aims of the project that you are applying for must by legally charitable and your organisation’s constitution must allow you to carry out the work you put forward.  Your organisation must be a registered charity or a Community Interest Company with a valid registration number from the Charity Commission or Companies House.  We may also accept applications from companies that are limited by guarantee if your constitution establishes you on a not-for-profit basis.

When should my project start and how long should it last for?

If successful, once we have received your signed terms and conditions, you should have the money and be able to start delivering within 15 days.  We have milestone funding based on successful completion of outcomes and reporting.  All milestones for fund spending must be complete by March 2015.  Applications for round 3 have a slightly shorter reporting time of 4 months, compared to 6 months for rounds 1 and 2.

If you have any more questions, do not hesitate to send us an email to [email protected] where one of the Innovation Team members will get back to you as soon as possible.