Diary of the week of Felicity Smith, National Co-ordinator

Felicity gives us a brief glimpse into her week as National Co-ordinator of FaithAction…

Firstly, let me say that my job is so diverse, that I never have the same week or day as the next. This is an insight into what my job is looking like for the week commencing 20th October… and it’s a bit of an extraordinary one!

Monday 20th October
This morning, Daniel Singleton, National Executive Director of FaithAction, and I had a meeting with the Policy Unit at Number 10 Downing Street. It’s a short meeting, which follows on from a meeting Daniel had with Oliver Letwin MP, and it mainly focuses on our work as the Secretariat to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Faith and Society. We also talked about the various programmes that we have running and how we work to support members. On the way in, Daniel and I acted a bit touristy and took some pics!

When I come back into the office, it’s time for some team building stuff. Dr Anne Smith – the brains behind the Creative English programme – is running a session for the whole team and it’s great to spend some time together

Tuesday 21st October
A meet-up of the winners of the Learn English competition! Creative English, which is funded by DCLG, is one of a few programmes that looks to build community English programmes across the country. The day highlighted various areas of work and shared some good practice. For more about Creative English visit – and for more from the others – visit the Learn English Tumblr page.

Wednesday 22nd October
I’ve cleared my diary! I need to get on with a number of internal things and also have some conversation with key people both internal and external to the office. We are looking into some interesting projects with the Police Crime Commissioner of Northamptonshire, and also we are going to be working on some Domestic Violence and Faith stuff!

Thursday 23rd October
Another day in the office but meetings. I have a formal one-to-one with one of my staff and I have mine with Daniel Singleton. This normally results in a whole heap of actions which my team loves!

Friday 24th October
Fridays are Conference day! As you will all know, our second-ever national conference Faith Too Significant to Ignore is taking place on 19th November 2014 in Church House, Westminster. The programme is full, and we have some amazing speakers. On Fridays, I look to prep and touch base with the conference team to see where we are at… This week, I’m planning my seminar!