New Faith Based Research Gets Underway

Right now in over 50 towns and cities, faith communities are participating in an audit of social action across their town/region.

Similar audits undertaken previously have been extremely valuable in demonstrating what faith communities are doing, and where. Local authorities and the police have taken great interest and they have facilitated discussions on planning and funding of existing or additional social action work.

The current audits are part of a UK-wide initiative organised by the Cinnamon Network who assist and promote social action projects for churches.  Data from all the audits will be combined and analysed for publication in a single report in May.

FaithAction is a partner in this programme which provides a package of support to help the audits take place. The package of support includes an online tool to conduct the research, marketing materials, guidance and the publication of a local report for each area as well as the national one.

The results will demonstrate the huge variety of work undertaken by faith groups including the types of projects, the number of beneficiaries and the huge amount of volunteer hours mobilised.

The national report will be published on May 20 at which the Archbishop of Canterbury will be speaking.  Each of the locations conducting an audit will also be hosting a town-wide event to publish their findings and involve the many groups who took part.

For more information on the Cinnamon Faith Action Audits:  see

Blog by Anthony McKernan, Project Manager, Cinnamon Faith Action Audits