Volunteers’ Week and the NHS

This week is Volunteers’ Week – a week where we can focus on the input and support that volunteers give our communities across the country.  This morning, I heard on the radio a result of some research done by the Royal Voluntary Service which said 37% of individuals are planning or considering volunteering to help the NHS in some form and it made me wonder if any of FaithAction members felt the same?

Here’s a confession to start with – I’m a volunteer in my local hospital trust.  I have been a volunteer over the past year, but I didn’t get involved because I had copious amounts of time, or because I fell in love with my local hospital… I got involved because I wanted to make the service better.

Daniel Singleton, National Executive Director of FaithAction, often refers to an NHS that has become a National Health System, not a National Health Service.  I got involved in volunteering to make it the latter.  I particularly volunteer with the maternity services, who have a bad reputation because of some things that happened five years ago, and whenever I walk into the hospital to do volunteering, I remind myself to be solution-focused and bring about some sort of change.

So let me leave you with these thoughts: