Why should the Voluntary Sector go to the Expo…?

So… the NHS Expo seems to be everywhere at the moment and so it should be! With under a month to go, the programme and information for the largest health and social care event in the country is coming together.  It’s shaping up to be great.

The NHS Expo will see over 5,000 people from all different areas of health coming together for seminars, technology displays and information on new initiatives… So why should the voluntary sector be there?

The voluntary sector has a key role to play in not just the Five Year Forward View, but the way health is played out across communities around the country.  With the voluntary sector representing some of the hardest to engage, it is so important for us to come together with those working in health to forge future plans and let them know of the innovations that we have.  At FaithAction, we are frequently coming across those leading the way in terms of innovation of simple small ideas that transform communities and make lasting impact.

So… if you are from the voluntary sector and you want to be there, what is stopping you? If it’s ticket prices, we have a complimentary code from the NHS Expo team (see how committed they are!!) for free tickets.  So jump on a bus, train, car and join us in Manchester for a few days.  Meet some people, learn some things and get involved to transform health in the UK.