The Cost of Society

This week, I visited the GP, and while I was in the waiting room, a conversation between a mum and her young daughter made me think! The child asked her mum, ‘Who pays for them? How do they make their money?’ while pointing at the receptionists…
The mum went on to explain that the whole of the NHS is funded through taxes: she explained that she works and a portion of her pay goes to fund them. She also explained how council tax pays for the rubbish collectors, grass to be cut, recycling etc.
It made me think about how there is a cost to everything in society – apart from at places of faith. I know of places where I could go, get a hot fresh meal, and then leave without having to give anything. I know how there are people who will give you somewhere to stay to get out of the rain or to deal with something personal that you cannot deal with at home. I also know that, when I was pregnant and doing some last minute ‘pre-maternity-leave’ visits around the country, one FaithAction member said that if I wanted to have a sleep or rest before I journeyed back home I could go to her house. These services are free – and FaithAction members and the Faith Sector offer them.
When we were at the Party Conferences recently, we did a quiz using information compiled by The Cinnamon Network Faith Action Audits, which FaithAction sponsored. The results found that the Faith Sector contributes £3 billion to communities in the UK each year.
Now, not all services faith-based organisations offer are free, and they shouldn’t be – see our Manifesto for more – but it is worth noting that there is some services in society that are free…. and cannot be replaced.