Meeting our Members: Faith and Fire

In December last year we were privileged to be able to meet with a number of our FaithAction members, including a fantastic organisation known as Faith and Fire.

Faith and Fire is an independent partnership between some FRS Fire and Rescue Services and faith communities to develop mutual respect. It also increases the awareness of faiths to FRS staff and volunteers.

Supported by the World Congress of Faiths, Faith and Fire reaches just about every faith group you can imagine, from Christianity and Islam right through to Paganism and Zoroastrianism. Its national network is something to admire.

In 2012 Fire Officer Daryl Oprey, (the then CFOA Lead on Equality and Inclusion and one of the founders of Faith and Fire) stated:

“With respect to the Fire Service involvement it is around us being a more inclusive, aware and conspicuous service not just about dealing with tragedy but preventing it. We treat everyone as members of society and appreciate that our service delivery needs to be shown as being adaptable and considerate of all faiths and cultures. It is not enough to believe that ‘one size fits all’.”

In the past a majority of FaithAction’s work has been health focused, so it was refreshing to be witness to a unique initiative outside of the health sector. Faith is an important part of the UK’s make-up and we’re confident that organisations like Faith and Fire will be in more demand over the coming years as the requirement for faith literacy grows.

If you can think of a way you can support Faith and Fire, or want to hear more about what they do then the Faith and Fire website is a fantastic resource. Aimed at the FRS it offers information on topics including chaplaincy, death and dying, interfaith, trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder and mindfulness. Faith and Fire welcomes relevant submissions to the website and we’re sure they’d appreciate you being in touch.

Update March 2016: Faith and Fire is likely to be changing due to Daryl Oprey’s retirement, so see the website for further information.