Meet the Newbies!

Over the past month or so, the FaithAction team has grown and acquired three new ladies to join the family: myself, Tina and Jenny. We thought it would be nice to introduce ourselves, what drew us to FaithAction, and what we are looking forward to the most in our future here. The three of us all come from very different backgrounds, each with an exciting reason as to why we are here today.

I’ll start by introducing Tina, our new National Manager. FaithAction had been in search for this role for a bit of time waiting for the right person to step up to the challenge, someone that they knew would continue to drive us to make a difference; exactly what Tina can bring to the team. Tina wanted to embark on a mission to have a positive impact and empower people. After working in recruitment for 10 years, and getting involved with different projects for various charities, FaithAction appealed to her as an expanding and growing organisation making a real difference. She was keen to be part of a team full of like-minded individuals working together towards the same vision. Tina’s aim is to make a positive impact, create more awareness of the work FaithAction do and to get involved in as many projects as she can.

After completing her degree, Jenny decided that she wanted to work for an organisation that made a real difference to people’s lives. For this reason, Jenny was drawn to FaithAction because of its work to impact different communities. Projects like Creative English stood out to her as a programme that truly empowered people. As part of the admin team, Jenny is looking forward to getting involved in areas such as health and wellbeing in the community.

And finally myself. I’ve been a Regional Ambassador for the Holocaust Educational Trust since 2016. Volunteering for them made me realise that working for a charity was what I felt called to do. I wanted to share stories and run projects which had an impact on communities on a big scale. After completing my first year of a History and Politics degree, I decided it was not the route I wanted to take. I took up a summer internship here at FaithAction, to gain some work experience and perspective on what I wanted in life. After only about a week, it turned itself into a full time job, one that fitted into what I was passionate about as being a member of LifeLine Church but also one that would teach me so much. I’m excited to join the admin team here, to learn about every aspect of the company, and to get involved in everything I possibly can!