The FaithAction Manifesto 2019: part 1

The team here have been searching for a term that encompasses our thinking on some of the concepts that we believe need to be embraced by society in our current climate. We think we’ve come up with one. There’s a huge desire for change across the nation: we are divided – so how do we start to bridge the polarised positions?

The Technology of Decency.


  • Thoughtful behaviour founded on treating others with justice and dignity
  • The requirements for a reasonable standard of life

We have summarised our desires in our 2019 FaithAction Manifesto as a desire for decency. We want to see a government that promotes decency – for the communities of the United Kingdom as well as seeking to promote this decent life to both our next door and global neighbours.

“Is this decent?” is a question that can be asked of policy far beyond that which is covered in the specific ideas contained in FaithAction’s Manifesto. The question of how we promote decency in terms of quality of life and conduct of ourselves and others can be a guiding principle for the Ministry of Defence as much as it is for Defra, DWP or the Home Office.

Our manifesto therefore asks for more than the adoption of some policy ideas, it asks for a rethink and a different approach as a nation.

The Manifesto will be launched in the next few days, but here’s a sneak preview of its contents which we will unpack here over the next few weeks:

We’re calling for:

  • Social prescribing to harness the energy of faith-based assets
  • Government to ‘mind the gaps’ in benefits, often picked up by faith-based organisations
  • The skills, experience and benefits of faith-based organisations to be recognised and resourced appropriately
  • Initiatives that tackle loneliness to intentionally include faith
  • 2020 to be a year that unites the UK
