#FaithInNHS Poster Competition WINNER!

Last month, we announced our #FaithInNHS poster competition and we asked you, our members, to get involved. You did not disappoint!
We have had so many great entries from our members and their children, who took the time to create a poster displaying their faith in the NHS and their messages of support at this time of great difficulty. Thank you very much to everyone who took part in this competition!
On your walk around your local area you will, no doubt, have seen a poster or picture of a rainbow in someone’s window acknowledging the amazing efforts of our NHS and key workers and thanking them for their tireless work. FaithAction’s contest may be over, but we still encourage you, if you haven’t already, to display a poster of your own. Why not stick up your #FaithInNHS posters proudly as a small sign of thankfulness? Additionally, we can continue to play our part by staying safe, staying home and therefore saving lives. We can also continue to display our gratitude to the NHS and all key workers every Thursday evening at 8pm during the weekly #ClapForCarers and #ClapForKeyworkers. Join in tonight and keep the momentum going!
Now, the moment you’ve been waiting for… the winner of our competition! The FaithAction team put each poster through a rigorous process of evaluation and scrutiny before taking a vote on their absolute favourite posters. Out of all of our fantastic entries, here are the results.
1st Place – Aaryan, aged 9
We love the use of colour in this poster! Its boldness and the attention to detail wowed our team to such an extent that we had to make it the overall winner!
2nd Place – Muskaan, aged 10
This poster makes great use of words and slogans. We love how it celebrates the NHS as heroes, and greatly enjoyed the colourful drawings all over the page!
3rd Place – Jessica, aged 9
We love the drawing of the NHS nurse making her patient better in this poster! The use of colour and the positive message makes this a fantastic entry.
Congratulations to Aaryan, our winner!
Hannah, one of our amazing NHS physios, is proud to award you your prize.
We will be in contact with you shortly.
Again, thank you to each and every one of you who entered our competition. We are so thankful for the work that everyone is doing at this time. If you would like to share the work that you are doing to support your community during the coronavirus pandemic, please feel free to take part in our short survey. Various government departments are keen to hear about and support positive faith and community contributions and we want to tell them about this!