Making the Most of Difficult Times

It’s been an unusual year to say the least. It’s now been five months since the UK went into lockdown and, whilst things have begun opening up again and life has been making slow progress back to some kind of normality, our summers have probably looked very different to how we envisioned them when we were all booking our holidays earlier this year! Some of us have been lucky enough to get abroad despite COVID-19, but many Brits have decided to holiday at home this year and make the most of all that the UK has to offer.

With this being the last week of August, we decided to share a lighter top story this week and let you know how the team here at FaithAction have been enjoying things a little closer to home this year:

Jeremy, our Policy and Programme Officer says, “With the help of my two-year old I’ve been building a storage unit. It’s perhaps the slowest DIY project in history but it seems to be getting there at last!”

Matt our Project Officer says, “Our highlight of the summer was driving down to Plymouth, where we spent a week enjoying walks in the woods, playing board games and taking our baby on her first trip to the beach!”

Our HealthWatch Officer Richard says, “On a windswept, yet pleasant day, this is a photo of me on a visit to the remains of a 1,700 year old Roman Fort and 12th Century church towers on the Kent coast at Reculver. A trip down memory lane for me; as I was last on holiday here with my parents when I was 6 years old!”

Martin, our Project Manager, has been learning how to play the banjo during lockdown!

Project Support Officer Jessica has been enjoying getting out in her local area and exploring a nearby park.

How about you? We hope you’ve been able to get away at some point this summer (even if it’s not as far away as you’d have liked!), put the extra time on your hands into a new skill or project, or had the opportunity to get out and about with family and friends. Whatever you’ve been up to in the midst of these difficult times, we hope you’ve come across some pleasant surprises.