Catching up with our members

I’ve been delighted to speak to so many of you over the past month. It’s been amazing to hear of the wide range of things you are all involved with. And how quickly and creatively you have adapted to the new restrictions and increasing need due to COVID-19. I’ve heard of doorstep deliveries of everything from essential groceries to iPads in South Tyneside with Happy at Home, to regular zoom catch up calls between volunteers at Pathway Project so that everyone continues to feel connected.

We’ve had a brilliant response to our Gold Membership offer with individuals and organisations readily signing up for the extra services that we are providing as part of the membership.

Organisations up and down the country have expressed how FaithAction has helped them. A prison chaplain from HMP Longhurst saysThe FaithAction Coffee House has helped me to see what is going on out in the community, which is handy for me to be able to bring that knowledge back into my community, reaching out to the prisoners.” He also mentioned the FaithAction Focus Group on dealing with Bereavement during COVID-19 was “Excellent. It was so interesting to hear from At a Loss and others on what is being done elsewhere.” as it is a huge part of his job as chaplain in the prison.

I am really looking forward to speaking to more of you in the coming weeks, to hear about your successes and challenges, and how we can help.

Don’t forget you can sign up for Gold Membership via our website, it only takes a couple of minutes.