Looking Ahead

Over the past six months, we have held well over 100 public events. It has been great to meet so many of you and to hear about your organisations, places of worship, and areas of work.
People of faith are certainly at the forefront of responding to the issues surrounding COVID-19, tackling not just the immediate issues, but also the longer-term challenges behind them.
Right from the start of lockdown in March, we heard your issues relating to domestic violence, food poverty and health inequalities, and we made sure that policy makers heard them too.
We will continue to hold our single-faith focus groups—you can sign up to our next round starting in January here—and workshops to hear from you what’s happening on the ground and to share good practice. And our weekly Coffee House, held on Wednesday mornings, is still going strong if you want to drop in for a chat and discuss recent issues.
However, we continue to hear about the increasing financial pressure faced by faith-based organisations, with many struggling to access the funding pots available to them. In response to this, we are launching a Faith Covid Support Programme, through which we will work alongside selected organisations to prepare them for applying for and winning future funding.
If you’re interested in the programme and would like to know more, sign up for updates here.
Next week, we hold our last Coffee House of the year, where we will be looking at how a range of faith communities will be approaching the festivals season, including New Year. Do join us to hear what others are planning, share your own ideas, and perhaps pick up some new tips too!
And please, do continue to stay in touch with us. We would love to chat more, and hear both your challenges and your successes. You can find our contact details here.