Our role in the Faith COVID Assistance Partnership

FaithAction have partnered with East London Mosque on a London Borough of Tower Hamlets faith engagement project – the Faith COVID Assistance Partnership, or FCAP for short!

With support from the local Inter Faith Forum, we are supplying faith settings in the borough of Tower Hamlets with free COVID-19 infection prevention supplies. These items include face coverings, hand sanitiser and disposable prayer mats.

At a time when many faith settings have taken a financial hit, this project is supporting buildings to comply with government guidelines for safe worshipping, thereby helping faith groups to keep their communities safe and well. This is particularly vital as the COVID rules relax and the rule of six comes back into force.

The project works with all faith settings to support the hard work required to maintain a safe environment, and to ensure those that have been closed can be prepared to welcome people back. As well as supplying infection prevention items, we find out if any groups need assistance with risk assessments and aim to find out and resolve any COVID-19 related concerns, such as around vaccination.

So far, we have provided over twenty faith settings with vital infection prevention items, including Collingwood Islamic and Cultural Centre and Bishops Way Mosque (pictured).

The team making this happen include Jenny Hadgraft, Andrew Welsby and our new Faith Engagement Officer, Atikur Khan.

Atik is the newest member of the FaithAction team, so here is a little more about him:

After graduating in Business Management, Atik has been working in the third sector for over five years. In his spare time, he volunteers with a local charity’s foodbank service, giving out food and drinks to homeless people. He is also a die-hard football enthusiast. Atik’s role involves supporting, engaging, and building relationships with faith settings in Tower Hamlets, and is the point of contact for faith settings arranging collection of supplies.

You can find out more about the Faith COVID Assistance Partnership on the website here and connect with the team on Twitter and Facebook.