Community Champions and A Better Chance training

FaithAction is working in partnership with Strengthening Faith Institutions as part of MHCLG’s Community Champions scheme, a £23.75 million scheme to help those communities most badly affected by COVID and boost vaccine uptake within these communities.
Our Community Champions
Our 30 Community Champions, from organisations and places of worship across the country, are voices into their communities, helping to spread positive messages around COVID and the vaccine, encouraging others within their community to take up the vaccine and continue to abide by COVID restrictions, and dispelling myths and conspiracy theories. You may have seen some of our videos on social media by our Community Champions, as well as videos from health professionals and everyday citizens.
Our Champions provide insight into the major concerns faced by their community, helping to build an accurate picture of the worries people are facing in communities across England. Our Champions also help us engage with their communities, by helping us arrange Community Roundtables to allow us to hear first-hand about issues and concerns they face and answer questions they have about COVID, the vaccine and other public health issues.
Training available for organisations
We also have a bespoke training opportunity, called A Better Chance, for community groups who specialise in working with communities most at risk from COVID-19. Through a mix of training workshops delivered on Zoom and coaching from your personal Support Officer, participants will be in the best possible position to apply for funding as we emerge from lockdown. A Better Chance is being offered completely free of charge and will only be available until the end of June. Unfortunately, we can only offer a small number of spaces, so don’t delay!
Fifteen organisations will also be able to take advantage of our Digital Transformation package, which includes support in setting up a website and delivering projects over Zoom, as well as advice and guidance on strengthening your social media presence.
This programme is open to all faith and community organisations, but we’re particularly interested in working with organisation that are BAME-led, who work with Gypsy, Roma and travellers, or who work with people with disabilities.
How to get involved
Are you someone with the ability to reach into your community? Has your community been badly affected by COVID? Is there hesitancy amongst your community about taking the vaccine? If you would be interested in becoming a Community Champion, please contact Andrew.
Does your organisation work with those most at risk of COVID-19? Would you benefit from the support of A Better Chance, please get in touch with Charlie.