What is Creative English for Health?

This week is the first in a series of blogs about the diverse Creative English for Health programme which aims to reduce health inequalities and improve health outcomes for speakers of English as a second language.
Creative English for Health is a range of community-based English language programmes designed to improve knowledge and confidence when accessing and navigating primary care services. At the same time, session content, combined with the peer support generated by the programme, encourages participants to make informed lifestyle choices associated with improved health. 89% of those who had attended 8+ sessions of the programme in Barking and Dagenham, for example, reported making changes to their lifestyle as a result. Versions of the programme have addressed key health issues such as: cardiovascular disease, respiratory health, vaccine uptake and infant mortality. Creative English can be funded by statutory services, such as local authorities. Commissioners can choose one of our pre-written programmes, or sessions can be tailored to the specific health needs of local communities or to specific health related priorities. The programme is also available on a licence basis for faith and community organisations wanting to deliver classes to the community they serve.
The original Creative English programme, which covers a wide array of situations relating to everyday life in the UK including talking to teachers, neighbours and employers, has been running for over 15 years. It also includes some health material and, out of over 20,000 learners, more than 88% reported feeling more confident to speak English to health professionals by the end of the standard programme. Health was the area learners reported most wanting to know more about. Creative English for Health grew out of this feedback and as a public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the health inequalities for speakers of English as an additional language it highlighted.
So, what programmes do we have?
Caring for my Family programme
This version of the programme contains 23 sessions – filling two school terms worth of material combining all of the programmes we have developed so far, with more sessions being added as we write them. The programme covers the basics like talking to doctors, recognising symptoms of key chronic conditions such as diabetes, knowing where to go for advice (pharmacist, NHS 111, A&E), and how to care for common childhood illnesses. The programme also considers lifestyle factors that help to reduce risk of cardiovascular-related illnesses with sessions on weight management, healthy eating and physical exercise, addresses common myths and concerns that can prevent people from accessing key vaccinations and screening checks (thalassemia/sickle cell in pregnancy, mammograms etc) for themselves and their children, navigating the healthcare system throughout pregnancy, and maintaining good mental health.
Cardiovascular programme
One term’s worth of material that takes a deep-dive into the prevention, management and treatment of cardiovascular-related illnesses. It covers how to recognise if someone is having a heart attack and what to do regarding contacting emergency services, speaking to a consultant following a heart attack, reducing risks through lifestyle measures such as weight management, healthy eating and physical activity, the impact of smoking, drugs and alcohol on heart health, going for an NHS Health Check, what is involved in an ECG, having a blood test, and planning meals around the Eatwell Guide.
Vaccinations programme
One term’s worth of material focussing on navigating primary care services as well as key vaccinations through childhood and as an adult, myth-busting common misconceptions about vaccinations such as flu/COVID-19 and MMR, where to get a flu vaccine if you’re eligible, child respiratory health and using NHS 111, alongside lifestyle messaging around healthy eating, physical exercise, and quitting smoking/COPD.
Infant Health Programme
Aimed at improving outcomes for pregnant people and infants, this programme is one term’s worth of material, which covers: preparing for a healthy pregnancy, family planning, sexual health, screening checks and vaccinations through pregnancy, post-partum mental health, the impact of smoking, alcohol and drugs through pregnancy, workplace safety when pregnant, going to the dentist when pregnant, and the importance of attending antenatal appointments and scans.
Coming soon
Co-design and research is at the heart of Creative English. We are currently working with a group of diabetic and pre-diabetic participants to explore how Creative English may be able to support them in understanding and managing diabetes more effectively. Watch this space!
All of our programmes relate to the learner both as an individual and how they can support family members experiencing these health issues, and data from the delivery that has already taken place across Birmingham, Greater Manchester and Barking and Dagenham has shown that the projects are reaching the entire families of the people who engage with the classes.
How can you get involved?
Do you work for a health team where you feel Creative English for Health could improve health outcomes for people you work with?
Are you part of a faith group who would like to get involved in delivering this work and have contacts in Public Health you could put us in touch with to explore the possibility of a funded programme in your area?
Are you interested in running the programme as a licence holder?