Stories of Success: Case Studies for Creative English for Health

Supporting children’s mental health, making healthy lifestyle changes, going for vaccinations, and understanding the importance of folic acid during pregnancy: we share some of the human stories behind our incredible Creative English for Health stats.
Across our Creative English for Health projects, we measure impact by collecting quotes, case studies and stories from our learners as well as gathering statistical data. While the stats that come out of the before and after surveys from our learners are undeniably impressive, the quotes and case studies help to communicate the very real difference these programmes are making to people’s everyday lives. Below are a few examples of the stories behind some of the stats from each of our health programmes.
Caring for my Family programme
We don’t have a word for mental health in my language. This session was really helpful to me. My daughter is struggling with her mental health and I didn’t know what to do to help her. I feel this session is very practical – how to talk about it, what to try. I didn’t know you could talk to a doctor about mental health. This is new information to me, but I think it will help my daughter. She has been struggling for a long time, but this could change it. We are going to the doctor together.
of learners could find information on how to manage mental health problems like stress or depression by the end of our Caring for my Family programme.
Cardiovascular programme
I have thoroughly enjoyed coming to the Creative English classes. I came to England a year ago and do not have much awareness of the area or any social activities, so coming to the class has been very beneficial for me in many aspects. I am a carer for my husband who has many health issues as well as heart disease; he has had few minor heart attacks. Coming to the class has increased my awareness of how to look after his diet and what are the signs and symptoms of a heart attack. I will be looking after my heart health more as I know now how to avoid heart disease.
of learners knew how to recognise a healthy blood pressure reading (and what to do if theirs was too high/low) by the end of our Cardiovascular programme.
Vaccinations programme
X had not received the COVID-19 vaccination due to her family's advice against it. Due to her limited proficiency in English, she faced challenges in researching the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccination. Seeking support, she enrolled in the Creative English for Health programme. Initially hesitant to discuss the COVID-19 vaccine, X transformed after attending several sessions and participating in role-plays. She began expressing curiosity and asking questions about the vaccination. She shared, "Neither I nor my family has received the COVID injection, as they would not allow me to get it. After learning about it, I want to have the vaccine and encourage my family to have the vaccine." Throughout the course, X not only improved her English language skills but also actively engaged in discussions, and role-plays, and assisted others which boosted her confidence. She expressed her desire to encourage other women to consider getting the COVID-19 vaccine as she now understands the importance of it.
of learners understood the importance of getting vaccinated by the end of our Vaccinations programme.
Infant Health Programme
My student has been in the UK for about two years. She speaks little English and was always reluctant to engage in activities. Attending the class helped her build her confidence. She had a miscarriage a couple of months ago. As she was telling me about her miscarriage, she was very emotional. She said she did not take folic acid and vitamin D regularly because she did not know their importance. Now she understands why we need to take folic acid and vitamin D when pregnant. These classes have helped her understand better about pregnancy and she wished these classes were there for her when she was pregnant.
She said, “I plan to have a baby, so coming to these classes is helping me take care of myself. Since starting these classes, I have been trying to improve my lifestyle and diet, do more exercise, and keep track of my weight.” She is from Bangladesh and was unaware of the pregnancy vaccinations' importance. She has expressed to me that she feels more confident in becoming pregnant as she has gained a lot of information through these classes. She was comfortable expressing her concerns and her plans with me and the group which she felt helped her mental health and changed her point of view on pregnancy.
of learners understood the importance of taking Folic Acid and Vitamin D during pregnancy by the end of our Infant Health pilot.
How can you get involved?
Do you work for a health team where you feel Creative English for Health could improve health outcomes for people you work with?
Are you part of a faith group who would like to get involved in delivering this work and have contacts in Public Health you could put us in touch with to explore the possibility of a funded programme in your area?
Are you interested in running the programme as a licence holder?