Inter Faith Week Outings

This year was undoubtedly FaithAction’s busiest Inter Faith Week so far. Each evening of the week we found ourselves out and about speaking at or organising one event or another, mostly hearing about the great work local groups did to serve local communities throughout the pandemic, how they came together to multiply their impact, and what steps they are taking to secure that momentum beyond the crisis.
Seeing people in person was certainly a welcome change from 18 months of virtual events. It was also proof enough to us of the unrivalled power that coming together in person has on creating true connection, developing relationships and casting a shared vision for future work.
Less overtly, our dramatic increase in busyness this year may well point to a shift that has occurred during the course of the pandemic. Perhaps the way faith communities, not just faith-based organisations, responded so strongly to take care of “widows and orphans” and serve local needs during the pandemic has blurred the boundaries between interfaith activity and multifaith social action.
There is more to chew on there, but perhaps in another blog! For now, please enjoy these photos from the various events we were a part of during Inter Faith Week 2021.

About Matt Allen
Project Officer
Matt plays an important role in FaithAction’s efforts to advocate for faith communities and the value they add to society. He was central in coordinating our COVID-Response project and continues to gather and collate concerns and ideas from faith communities up and down the country. He also oversees FaithAction’s work as Secretariat to the APPG on Faith and Society and works to support the propagation and health of Faith Covenants nationwide.