Next week is #FaithinPartnership Week!
Next week is #FaithinPartnership week! What’s it all about, what’s happening, and how can you get involved? In last week’s blog, we announced that, between 5th and 9th September, we’ll be working with the APPG for Faith and Society to celebrate and champion cross-sector partnerships […]

Introducing #FaithinPartnership Week
Over the past three years, many faith-based charities up and down the country have been busier than ever before. Activity in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has included things like delivering food, offering support to isolated individuals, overcoming barriers to accessing healthcare, and disseminating and translating […]

The uncanny joy of meeting
Over the past two years, we’ve learned that we can do so much remotely, particularly when it comes to what we thought of as office-based work. We can have meetings, we can hold workshops, and we can hire and fire people. I even know some […]

Resilience, Trauma, and Pastoral Recovery: Why we commissioned this paper
Today, we launch our new report—Resilience, Trauma, and Pastoral Recovery—in partnership with the Guild of Health and St Raphael. Revd Dr Gillian Straine, CEO of The Guild of Health and St. Raphael and originator of The Healthy Healing Hub project gives us some background on […]
Celebrating the Successes of Our Community Champions and Capacity Building Programme
2021 saw our amazing Community Champions advocating vaccine take-up and shaping national policy and strategy by sharing the concerns and barriers faced by their communities with central government. In addition, many of them engaged (or nominated organisations to participate) in our COVID recovery capacity-building programme […]

Prof. Jim McManus: COVID, faith groups, and pregnancy
We were delighted to have a chance to speak with Prof. Jim McManus, President of the Association of Directors of Public Health and Director of Public Health for Hertsfordshire, about a number of key issues relating to COVID. First, we asked about the ways faith […]

How can faith groups help reduce inequalities in pregnancy?
In December 2020, the UK was in the grip of another COVID-19 wave. There was the announcement that a new variant of the virus had been found in the UK, infections rates were climbing, and plenty of questions were being asked about the viability of […]

Inter Faith Week 2021 – Seher’s Story
As we celebrate Inter Faith Week, and the vital contribuition that faith plays in supporting some of the most vulnerable in society, the team here at FaithAction have spoken to Seher Sheikh, founder of the Greater Manchester South Asian Women Out of Hours Support and […]

I don’t care what you do—just do something!
I am perched on the edge of a cream leather sofa which has been rapidly cleared of freshly-ironed clothing. There is a bustle of activity going on as my wife and I relent and agree to a cup of tea. I don’t really want a […]

Join the Health and Wellbeing Collective today!
This week we are excited to announce a new initiative: the Health and Wellbeing Collective. It’s your opportunity to join a group of like-minded organisations to feed into health and care policy.