The Power of Testimonials

I’ve just spent a happy hour reading the testimonials from the last cohort of Creative English participants. What an uplifting experience. To give you a flavour…

Creative English is very good, because I can talk more confidently to others. And I’m confident to going shopping and to talk to my doctor.

In Creative English we having some fun, games, and with story we get more conversation practice

This programme goes far beyond learning English—it’s about the benefits of being able to participate in community life, to be able to speak to your child’s teacher, to make an appointment with the doctor or go to the shops alone.

These are big moments requiring a lot of courage.

What also struck me was the immediate nature of the benefits. In one class that was practising calling the doctor, a learner communicated that she needed an emergency appointment with her GP who was going to call her back that day. The class rehearsed the scenario and she was able to take the call from the doctor shortly afterwards, stepping out of the class for a moment. The tutor reported:

When she came back in, she was so happy—she had been able to explain exactly what the problem was, the GP had understood and had given her an appointment for her daughter for later that day. It was a great session.

Of the learners in our last cohort, 78% engaged in new community activities—some of them volunteering in the hubs where they have made friends. Others go on to more formal ESOL courses, but all—yes, all of them—reported an increase in confidence. And of course, a boost in confidence impacts all aspects of life, not just learning English.

If your community work doesn’t yet include a Creative English class, check this out and get in touch to discuss how we can help.