Mental Health

A faith perspective on mental health challenges
When you have mental health struggles, and you also belong to a faith community, life can seem complicated.

Creative English for Infant Health: Bringing Families Together
Data and case studies are now in, from the hubs that delivered our Creative English for Infant Health programme. Across the board, it is becoming clear that we need to respond to the issue of infant mortality by including a range of family members in […]

Dot to Dot for Life
There are many metaphors for life. I wish mine was the map, that well-planned journey with a clear destination, avoiding steep hills and dark valleys. But my metaphor for life is more like a child’s dot-to-dot puzzle: I can’t see the full picture yet, all […]

It’s the General Election! Have Your Say … Before You Have Your Say
It isn’t often that, at FaithAction, we get a chance to comment on the news whilst delivering a survey report. As we’re keeping the surveys open for a while longer after today’s election, it gives everyone a chance to keep responding to the survey. Here […]

Embracing Activity: A Pathway to Mental Wellbeing
Why Exercise? No matter what our faith heritage may be – mental health is a common factor for every person alive. The Mental Health Foundation have just released a report for Mental Health Awareness Week. In it, the report outlines the importance of regular exercise and […]

We need to talk about this … Addiction surrounds us
In this guest blog, we hear from Emma Heath, Founder of Steps To Active Recovery (STAR), an Christian organisation promoting awareness, providing support, and empowering individuals affected by addiction, compulsive behaviors, and harmful habits. What can we say about addiction? What message can we give […]

AtaLoss – Supporting people through bereavement
On this week’s blog, we’re excited to have a guest blog from Yvonne Tulloch, Founder and CEO of AtaLoss, talking about the important work they do supporting people through bereavement, and offering churches and other organisations signposting to support available. Not long-ago mental ill-health was […]

The uncanny joy of meeting
Over the past two years, we’ve learned that we can do so much remotely, particularly when it comes to what we thought of as office-based work. We can have meetings, we can hold workshops, and we can hire and fire people. I even know some […]

Resilience, Trauma, and Pastoral Recovery: Why we commissioned this paper
Today, we launch our new report—Resilience, Trauma, and Pastoral Recovery—in partnership with the Guild of Health and St Raphael. Revd Dr Gillian Straine, CEO of The Guild of Health and St. Raphael and originator of The Healthy Healing Hub project gives us some background on […]

Join the Health and Wellbeing Collective today!
This week we are excited to announce a new initiative: the Health and Wellbeing Collective. It’s your opportunity to join a group of like-minded organisations to feed into health and care policy.