What is Moral Injury?
We have all had new experiences during this pandemic. Some good, some bad, some unique to us as individuals, and some shared in common across our national and global communities. One thing that is true for all of us is that, in some shape or […]
“You can still come with me!” — seven tips for encouraging a sense of integration and belonging in the ‘new normal’
Despite its (many) challenges, this extended lockdown has resulted in an increased sense of belonging for many vulnerable individuals. Communities rose to the challenge of supporting practical needs and the help of neighbours and organisations helped many to feel visible, valuable, and connected. For others, […]
Back to school—but not as we know it
When I was at school, I remember standing there at the start of the summer holidays and finding it impossible to believe that September would ever arrive. This disbelief hit harder than ever this year; after months with the children at home, I have found […]
Making the Most of Difficult Times
It’s been an unusual year to say the least. It’s now been five months since the UK went into lockdown and, whilst things have begun opening up again and life has been making slow progress back to some kind of normality, our summers have probably […]
Faith COVID Response Project Update
At FaithAction, we have been working very hard during the last three months to reach faith communities up and down the country and feed their ideas, needs, and opinions back to government as the situation changes; as restrictions have been lifted, as different religious festivals […]
It’s not going away… so now it’s time we all did our bit!
I’ve been away for a few days on leave and tried to escape the news for a little while. I was not very successful! But, when I got back to my emails and messages and reflected on the latest thoughts on the progression of the […]
The dangers of obesity and COVID-19
Last week, a Public Health England (PHE) report confirmed that being excessively overweight or obese increases the risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19. Almost two-thirds of adults in England are overweight or obese, with older people, people living in deprived areas, and certain […]
Supporting vulnerable migrants as Britain leaves the EU
Lydia Martin is EU Londoners Project Officer with New Europeans, a civil rights organisation which champions freedom of movement, non-discrimination and the principle of solidarity in Europe. It would be very hard for anyone to say they weren’t aware that the UK voted to leave […]
Faithful Leaders: Dr David Landrum
On this episode of Faithful Leaders, Daniel Singleton speaks with Dr David Landrum, Director of Advocacy with the Evangelical Alliance, about finding faith and the role of faith communities in a post-COVID society.
BAME communities and the impact of the coronavirus
Over the past months, COVID-19 has brought the UK to a standstill and, in the process, taken countless thousands of lives. Many have been unable to say goodbye to their loved ones or even to hold funerals for them, and despite the gradual slowing of the virus’ spread, the nation is still very much in the grip of the destruction it has caused.